• SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Mood Support XT - 120 Cap (2 x 60 Cap Btls)  TWINPACK
  • SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Mood Support XT - 120 Cap (2 x 60 Cap Btls)  TWINPACK
  • SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Mood Support XT - 120 Cap (2 x 60 Cap Btls)  TWINPACK
  • SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Mood Support XT - 120 Cap (2 x 60 Cap Btls)  TWINPACK

SNS Serious Nutrition Solutions Mood Support XT - 120 Cap (2 x 60 Cap Btls) TWINPACK

Item #: SN2163
$82.49 $65.99
20% Off Special Offer
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Mood Support XT


  • Stress & Anxiety Support
  • Relaxation
  • Positive Mood
  • Memory & Learning
  • Mental Focus & Concentration
  • Improved Sense of Well-Being
  • Helps Relieve Symptoms of Worry & Nervousness
  • Reduction of Brain Fog Related to Stress & Anxiety
  • No Deceptive Proprietary Blends

Stress, Anxiety, & Mood Support

Brain Boosting Nootropic Mood Support

Mood Support XT is a specialized formula of premium active ingredients designed to help support relaxation, positive mood, mental focus, concentration, and memory & learning in order to help you feel and perform your best.

Mood SupportXTHighlights/Supports:

  • Stress & Anxiety Support
  • Relaxation
  • Positive Mood
  • Memory & Learning
  • Mental Focus & Concentration
  • Improved Sense of Well-Being
  • Helps Relieve Symptoms of Worry & Nervousness
  • Reduction of Brain Fog Related to Stress & Anxiety
  • No Deceptive Proprietary Blends

It seems like with every day that goes by, most of us find ourselves leading increasingly stressful lives and stress is something that can take a toll on us, both emotionally and physically. Sustained levels of stress can be detrimental to both our physical and mental health. This can take a toll on our relationships, jobs, hobbies, and our appearance.

As our stress goes up, our mood comes down.

Ask Yourself a Few Questions:

  • Do you not feel like yourself anymore?
  • Do you feel unmotivated and mentally exhausted?
  • Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed, &/or sad a lot?
  • Are you feeling like almost every day is one of THOSE days?
  • Are you suffering from stress-related brain fog?
  • Are you having a problem thinking as clearly as you once did?
  • Would you like to get your mind off the stresses of day to day life and be able to focus on your workouts, studies, hobbies, etc.?

^^^ If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Mood Support XT may be right for you.

Stress in Today’s World:

We live in a stressful world. For many of us, every day there seems like there ae more and more new things to be stressed about, more deadlines, more things to keep up with, and more things to get overwhelmed by.

No matter your walk of life, chances are you’ve had one of THOSE days before.

You know what we mean – time escapes you, you work so hard to feel like you get nothing done, people are getting on your nerves, you find yourself getting irritated and overwhelmed more and more, deadlines are hitting all at once, etc. Admit it, you started feeling the tension and maybe even had a déjà vu experience just reading those last lines didn’t you?

Let’s face it – life can be stressful at times; and any way you look it at – stress sucks, and it can lead to depression.

Depressed Mood, Sadness, & Being Overwhelmed & Unmotivated:

Depressed mood &/or feeling overwhelmed can impact a person’s everyday life, making it difficult to function normally at school or work, and can lead to social withdrawal. It can also lead to discouragement and a sense of just giving up, or a sense of feeling like ‘why even bother?’.

That can lead to a vicious cycle – a person gets further behind at things because they feel like they can’t get things done because they’re depressed, overwhelmed, or discouraged, but then because they don’t get things done, they wind up even more behind, depressed, overwhelmed, and discouraged.

Let’s Examine the Ingredients:

KSM-66® Ashwagandha – 300 mg. 

KSM-66® is one of the most popular stress, anxiety, and relaxation ingredients on the market.

There have been over 24 clinical studies on KSM-66® that have shown it to help with a wide variety of benefits including stress and anxiety, relaxation, positive mood, improved sense of well-being, weight loss, cortisol control, improved sleep quality, & much more.

Stress, Anxiety, & Relaxation:

KSM-66® is an adaptogenic herb that has been shown to help with stress, anxiety, and relaxation. Adaptogenic herbs are herbs that can help increase the body’s ability to handle stress & resist the damaging effects of stress and to promote or restore normal physiological functioning.

KSM-66® has been found in multiple studies to help reduce stress.

In one study, researchers documented that KSM-66® supplementation may help reduce cortisol levels by 27.9% and lower Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) scores by a remarkable 71.6%!


KSM-66® has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels in the body. Commonly referred to as a ‘stress hormone’, chronically elevated levels of cortisol can promote fat storage and sugar cravings.

In addition to promoting fat storage, cortisol is also catabolic, meaning that it can cause muscle breakdown and inhibit anabolism (muscle building).

Shortens Time to Fall Asleep:

A common feeling for many adults – we’re exhausted from a long, stressful day but as soon as we lay down, our minds start racing, and it feels like it takes forever to fall asleep.

KSM-66® has been shown in clinical studies to reduce the time it takes individuals to fall asleep after lying down (also known as sleep latency).

Weight Management:

KSM-66® has been shown to support healthy weight management and the reduction of body-fat through reducing cortisol levels and stress-related food cravings.

RhodioPrime® 6X – 250 mg.

Rhodiola is a very popular and well-researched adaptogenic herb that is backed by numerous clinical studies and is commonly used to help support relief of symptoms of stress and anxiety, decrease stress, improve mental focus, clarity, and concentration, reduce brain fog, reduce mental and physical fatigue, increase physical and mental endurance, improve mental processing speed with less errors, support positive mood and improved sense of well-being, and much more.

There are over 140 bioactive compounds that have been isolated from Rhodiola, but according to the literature, the primary one that most of its benefits are attributed to is salidroside.

RhodioPrime® 6X is a specialized Rhodiola Crenulata extract standardized to 6% Salidrosides.

This means that Mood Support XT contains a potent 15 mg. of Salidrosides!

FastBliss® Anandamide – 200 mg. 

Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that supports positive mood, pain relief, and more.

The endocannabinoid system is a complex network of biochemical pathways that help the body’s various biological systems work together and help us function at an optimal level.

There are both endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids. The most well-known are exogenous cannabinoids such as CBD, which have been shown to have many therapeutic benefits, but so have cannabinoids that are produced naturally by your body.

Anandamide is a powerful natural cannabinoid that is produced by your body to help support multiple functions in the cannabinoid system. Research has shown that Anandamide has the potential to help improve mood, support pain management, may be beneficial to cardiovascular health, and much more.

The name Anandamide comes from the Sanskrit word Ananda, which means “internal bliss”, which emphasizes its role in helping with positive mood.

Mood Support XT contains 200 mg. of FastBliss® Anandamide!

Lactium® Casein Hydrolysate – 150 mg. 

Lactium® is a bioactive peptide derived from milk that has been shown in clinical studies to help relieve symptoms of stress in healthy adults.

Clinical studies have shown that users report feeling calmer, more rested, and less stressed within just two weeks of using Lactium daily.

Lactium Highlights/Supports:

  • A healthy, natural response to daily stress
  • Helps counter the negative physiological effects of stress
  • Promotes a feeling of calmness and relaxation

Lactium® contains a patented peptide fraction from within milk protein (casein) that is isolated and purified using advanced patented technologies. This peptide is called alpha-casozepine and is derived from the hydrolysis of alpha S1 casein and corresponds to the f91-100 fraction. This peptide has been shown by university researchers to have relaxing properties and has a structural similarity to benzodiazepines and binds to the GABAA receptors via the benzodiazepine site.

The effectiveness of Lactium® has been validated in 9+ rigorous clinical studies on more than 500 adult volunteers, all supervised by healthcare professionals. These studies have been carried out according to the Clinical Best Practice Directive and have been carried out using both the Stroop and Trier social stress test, both validated physiological tests of resistance to stress.

Apigenin (ApiPure™) – 100 mg. 

Apigenin is an exciting natural muscle building, general health, anti-aging, & longevity phytonutrient.

Apigenin has been extensively researched for a wide variety of overall health benefits including its anti-inflammatory benefits as well as its potential prostate, neuroprotective, and cardioprotective properties.

Another very exciting aspect of Apigenin is its ability to enhance autophagy. Autophagy is a natural cellular mechanism by which by which the cells in our body degrade unnecessary or damaged components within the cell. The process of autophagy helps maintain normal functioning (homeostasis) in the cell. (If you’re familiar with what defragging a computer means, think of that as a good comedic analogy to this process by the cells).

All of these are great and exciting potential benefits, but the reason that Apigenin is included in Mood Support XT is because it has been shown to support relaxation, alleviate anxiety, and improve mood.

L-Theanine – 100 mg. 

L-Theanine is a calming, relaxing amino acid that is found naturally occurring in tea, especially in green tea. Due to its ability to affect brain function, it is considered to be a nootropic (cognitive enhancing) amino acid and is also considered to be an adaptogen. Adaptogens are ingredients that can help increase the body’s ability to handle stress and resist the damaging effect of stress and to promote or restore normal physiological functioning.

L-Theanine is commonly associated with reduced feelings of stress and anxiety, improved mental focus, clarity, & concentration (less brain fog), increased motivation and energy, improved sense of well-being, positive mood, & much more.

A note on L-Theanine and Appetite Control – Appetite control is important for weight loss for obvious reasons and many people find Theanine to be particularly effective for appetite control and for reducing cravings and binge eating. When stressed, many people find themselves far more likely to break from their diets and crave more sugary, high calorie foods. The practical reason for this is associating those types of foods with making you feel better or as a quick happiness fix, but the scientific side supports this as well because sweet treats can release serotonin, changing your mood chemistry to make you feel better. The problem is that this can be disastrous for your diet and also start a cycle of guilt and binge eating.

KannaEase – 50 mg. 

Kanna is known as a traditional South African ‘feel-good’ herb and is commonly used to help relieve stress and support increases in cognitive function.

KannaEase is a high potency specialized Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) extract that is designed to support positive mood, relaxation, calmness, improved sense of well-being, and more.

The KannaEase Advantage/Why is KannaEase Better?

Traditional Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) may require large doses to provide benefits and the lack of standardization may lead to very inconsistent benefits or no benefits at all.

KannaEase, unlike many common Sceletium Tortuosum extracts, is standardized for a minimum active alkaloid content (0.5% total alkaloids) and is freeze dried to help preserve the quality and stability of the active ingredients. There are a variety of active constituents in the alkaloid profile, with the most dominant being Mesembrine.

Most Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) products don’t list, and many don’t even know, their concentration levels for active ingredients so it may require many grams per day to get even some of the results that KannaEase provides at a much smaller, concentrated dose.

KannaEase = Standardized Potency for Improved & Consistent Results.

Huperzine A – 200 mcg. 

Huperzine A is a popular nootropic that has been shown in clinical studies to support improved brain health, memory, attention, and cognition.

Huperzine A Highlights/Supports:

  • Short & Long Term Memory Support
  • Maximized Learning Potential
  • Improved Problem Solving Ability
  • Focus & Motivation
  • Attention & Cognition
  • Brain Health & Neuroprotective Properties
  • Nootropic, Longevity, & Healthy Aging Support

How does Huperzine A work?

Acetylcholine is considered the “learning neurotransmitter” for its primary role in learning, memory, information retention, and memory recall.

Huperzine A inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine.

Stacking & Synergy:

SNS Mood Support XT can be used with Focus XT, Stress & Anxiety Support, Lean Edge, Cardiovascular Support XT, Joint Support XT, or a variety of other SNS products for improved synergistic results.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.