• Competitive Edge Labs MPC-185 (DL-185 Dileucine Peptide)  - 90 Capsules
  • Competitive Edge Labs MPC-185 (DL-185 Dileucine Peptide)  - 90 Capsules
  • Competitive Edge Labs MPC-185 (DL-185 Dileucine Peptide)  - 90 Capsules
  • Competitive Edge Labs MPC-185 (DL-185 Dileucine Peptide)  - 90 Capsules

Competitive Edge Labs MPC-185 (DL-185 Dileucine Peptide) - 90 Capsules

Item #: CG039UPC: 891192002541
$49.99 $39.99
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MPC-185 (DL-185 Dileucine Peptide)


  • Research Grade Natural Anabolic Peptide
  • Lean Muscle
  • Strength Gains
  • Power Output
  • Improved Recovery
  • Boosts Muscle Protein Synthesis by 159%
  • Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic Properties
  • Dramatically Boosts Lower Body Strength, Total Strength, & Lower Body Reps to Failure!
  • Supported By Human Clinical Research

Research Grade Anabolic Peptide

  • Dramatically Boosts Lower Body Strength, Total Strength, & Lower Body Reps to Failure!
  • Boosts Muscle Protein Synthesis by 159%
  • Enhances Muscle Repair & Recovery
  • Supported By Human Clinical Research

MPC-185 contains a state-of-the-art research grade peptide, DL-185™, a patented Dileucine Peptide, that been shown in clinical studies to promote 159% greater activation of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and to boost lower body strength, total strength, & lower body reps to failure.

MPC-185 Highlights/Supports:

  • Lean Muscle
  • Strength Gains
  • Power Output
  • Improved Recovery
  • Anabolic & Anti-Catabolic Properties
  • 159% Greater Activation of Muscle Protein Synthesis
  • Supported by Human Clinical Research

MPC-185 is a groundbreaking pro-anabolic and anti-catabolic agent that is perfect for bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts that want to build lean muscle, increase strength, and improve recovery.

Who is MPC-185 Designed For? 

  • Weight Trainers
  • Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Performance Focused Athletes
  • Recovery Focused Athletes
  • Healthy Aging & Longevity Enthusiasts
  • People Concerned with Losing Muscle & Strength
  • Anyone that Wants to Look Better, Feel Better, Perform Better, & Recover Better

What is MPC-185?

MPC-185 is a cutting-edge muscle building supplement designed to enhance lean muscle, increase strength, accelerate recovery, and optimize performance.

MPC-185 contains a clinically researched natural anabolic and anti-catabolic peptide composed of two leucine molecules bonded together, creating a unique, patented dipeptide structure, DL-185™ Dileucine Peptide.

Dileucine is a peptide consisting of two leucine molecules chemically bonded to one another that get into the bloodstream intact and can boost protein synthesis better than regular leucine – and we don’t mean just a ‘little better’ either!

159% Greater Activation of Muscle Protein Synthesis

In a groundbreaking study, subjects who consumed 2,000 mg. of DL-185™, the same dosage found in MPC-185, demonstrated a 159% greater activation of muscle protein synthesis compared to baseline and 60% greater than regular leucine.

Anabolic Power that Translates into Real World Strength Gains

Activating muscle protein synthesis is cool, but how does this translate into real world results?

Researchers set out to answer that question in a 10-week resistance training clinical study and the results were incredible! Researchers tested lower body strength, total strength, lower body reps to failure, and total reps to failure. There were three groups tested – one group that took 2,000 mg. of DL-185™, one group that took Leucine, and a third that took a placebo.

The results were outstanding:

  • More Total Strength: Subjects taking DL-185™ significantly increased total max strength by 144% as compared to placebo (DL-185™ 154 lbs. vs Placebo 63 lbs.)
  • More Lower Body Strength: Subjects significantly increased their lower body max strength by 189% compared to placebo (DL-185™ 133 lbs. vs. Placebo 46 lbs.). So, if legs are your lagging body-part or if you have trouble gaining leg strength, meet your new workout partner, MPC-185™!
  • More Reps Than Leucine: Subjects taking DL-185™ significantly increased leg press repetitions to failure by 220% compared to leucine (DL-185™ 16 extra reps vs leucine 5 extra reps).

Can you imagine the potential for growth if you could add 16 extra reps to key mass building exercises?

Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Research:

We live in a world where there are so many studies and different levels of studies that sometimes we don’t know what to believe anymore. Luckily, there’s no having to wonder about the validity and significance of the studies on DL-185™.

Study #1:

In a double-blind, randomized, crossover study published in 2021 in the Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers found that DL-185™ is more effective at stimulating muscle protein synthesis than leucine in healthy young males.

  • Study: Dileucine Ingestion Is More Effective than Leucine in Stimulating Muscle Protein Turnover in Young Males: A Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial (Paulussen, Kevin J.M., et al.)
  • Study Type: Double-blind, randomized, crossover study.
  • Study Objective: To assess the effects of dileucine and leucine ingestion on the modulation of muscle protein synthesis and protein breakdown rates in healthy young adults.
  • Participants: 10 healthy, recreationally active males
  • Results: Dileucine increased muscle protein synthesis by 159% compared to baseline and 60% more than leucine.

The significance of this study is that leucine has long been considered the amino acid trigger for increased muscle protein synthesis (MPS), so for Dileucine to increase MPS 60% more than leucine is phenomenal and supported the idea that Dileucine may have incredible potential for supporting lean muscle, strength, improved performance, & enhanced recovery.

Study #2:

A randomized double-blind placebo controlled study that was originally presented at the 2023 International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) conference was recently published in the prestigious journal PLOS One. This may not mean anything to the average person who is not familiar with these terms, but to anyone that is, they know how significant that this is.

PLOS One is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal that prioritizes research with strong methodology and high ethical standards, not just groundbreaking findings and all articles undergo a thorough peer review process.

This study validates earlier findings that demonstrated DL-185™ has superior effects compared to leucine for increased muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and adds to the growing evidence showing DL-185’s role in supporting muscle, strength, and performance.

  • Study: Dileucine ingestion, but not leucine, increases lower body strength and performance following resistance training: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (Hagle, et. al 24)
  • Study Type: Randomized, double-blind placebo control human trial.
  • Study Objective: Examine Dileucine’s effects on resistance training adaptations
  • Study Duration: 10 weeks
  • Study Participants: 32 resistance-trained males

Study Design:

The researchers employed a robust 10 week design that divided the participants into three groups:

  • Dileucine group: 2 grams DL-185 dileucine
  • Leucine group: 2 grams leucine
  • Placebo group: 2 grams resistant starch

This three-way comparison model allowed researchers to determine not only if Dileucine was effective, but also how it compared to traditional leucine supplementation.

The double-blind nature of the study means that neither the participants nor the researchers knew which supplement they were receiving, thereby eliminating any potential bias.

Participant Characteristics:

This study consisted of 32 resistance trained males with the following characteristics:

  • Average age: 28 years old (+/- range 6 years)
  • Average height: approximately 5’8 to 5’10 (+/- range of 2.9 inches)
  • Average weight: 175.7 lbs. (+/- range of 27.6 lbs.)
  • Average body mass index (BMI): 25.7 (+/- 3.9 kg/ m²)
  • Average body fat percentage: 19% (+/- range of 5.7%)
  • Minimum training experience: All participants had at least 1 year of prior resistance training experience. This was verified by the requirement of participants to meet specific strength training markers.
  • Participants were required to discontinue all ergogenic nutritional supplements except for multi-vitamins/minerals for at least 30 days before and after the study and during the study.
  • Participant candidates that reported using any anabolic-androgenic steroids within the prior 12 months were excluded from the study.

This is all very significant because this criteria was designed to reflect the most accurate comparison to the average weight training & fitness minded supplement user.

Training Regimen:

The training program was rigorously designed to ensure consistency across all three groups.

  • 4 training sessions per week
  • Split body routine targeting all major muscle groups
  • 3-4 sets per exercise
  • 6-10 reps per set
  • 70%-85% of one-rep maximum intensity range

This protocol was followed for the entire 10 week period and researchers monitored participant compliance.

Key Strength-Related Findings:

The study demonstrated several significant outcomes:

  • Leg Press Strength: The dileucine group showed significantly greater increases in leg press one rep max compared to placebo. The difference was dramatic, with a 95% confidence interval of 5.8 to 73.2 kg. improvements.
  • Muscular Endurance: The dileucine group showed greater improvements in leg press repetitions to failure compared to the leucine group. The endurance improvements ranged from 0.58 to 20.3 additional reps.
  • Total Strength: The dileucine group showed greater increases in total strength (leg press + bench press) compared to placebo. The improvements showed a 95% confidence interval of 6.8 to 75.9 kg.

This double-blind randomized placebo controlled study demonstrated both the effectiveness of DL-185™ and that it outperforms traditional leucine supplementation. This is significant because leucine has long been considered the gold standard for amino acid muscle protein synthesis activation!

Muscle Protein Synthesis – A Better Understanding: 

Muscle Protein Turnover (MPS vs. MPB)

Muscle protein turnover is the ongoing process of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB). It is a metabolic process that regulates muscle mass and function. This process is essential for muscle growth, repair, and maintenance.

Muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB) are opposing processes that determine muscle mass. The balance between MPS and MPB determines whether you gain, lose, or maintain muscle mass:

  • Positive Muscle Balance: When MPS is greater than MPB (more protein is being synthesized than broken down), muscle mass increases (you gain muscle).
  • Negative Muscle Balance: When MPB is greater than MPS (more protein is broken down than synthesized, muscle mass decreases (you lose muscle).
  • Maintenance: When MPS=MPB, your muscle mass stays the same.

Hopefully this shows you the importance of muscle protein synthesis and of optimizing muscle protein synthesis, which leads to this next part – what is muscle protein synthesis?

What is Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS)?

Muscle protein synthesis is the process by which your body uses amino acids to build new muscle protein, essentially meaning it’s how your muscles grow and repair themselves after exercise by creating new muscle tissue from the protein you consume.

Physical activity, especially resistance training, triggers muscle protein synthesis by creating microscopic tears in muscle fibers that need to be repaired. Amino acids are the building blocks that are used to build new muscle proteins.

To gain muscle mass, you need to have a positive muscle protein balance, meaning more muscle protein is being synthesized than broken down.

How do you create a positive muscle protein balance?

By increasing muscle protein synthesis.

What does increasing muscle protein synthesis mean?

Increasing muscle protein synthesis means to speed up the process of building new muscle protein within the muscle fibers, essentially leading to muscle growth by creating a positive balance where muscle building exceeds muscle breakdown.

MPC-185 is designed to help you trigger optimal muscle protein synthesis activation!

Leucine – the ‘Anabolic Trigger’ – What does this mean?

Muscle protein is in a constant process of being continuously broken down and resynthesized. Muscle building takes place when the rate of muscle protein synthesis exceeds the rate of muscle protein breakdown. One specific amino acid – L-Leucine is the most powerful and has long been regarded as an anabolic trigger – turning on muscle protein synthesis.

This is why leucine is considered the amino acid gold standard as a baseline comparison for how well other ingredients activate muscle protein synthesis, and why DL-185™ being shown in clinical studies to increase muscle protein synthesis 60% more than leucine is remarkable!

Leucine & Common Muscle Protein Synthesis Misconceptions

Leucine has been shown in clinical research to be a key regulator in the pathways of muscle protein synthesis, playing a crucial role in activating muscle anabolism, and without its presence, this activation doesn’t happen. Therefore, the faster leucine gets absorbed and delivered into the muscles, the faster it can activate muscle protein synthesis and turn on this key pathway of growth and recovery.

There are a lot of misconceptions about Leucine’s role in muscle protein synthesis and what this all means and about it’s limitations.

A lot of people, if they read a study where something is being compared to leucine for muscle protein synthesis activation, they mistakenly think that it means to take more leucine or that the ingredient being studied is being compared directly to leucine – that is NOT the case!

Leucine is the gold standard for amino acid muscle protein activation – the study is comparing the amount of activation on muscle protein synthesis – leucine is being used as the baseline comparative standard.

Here’s a breakdown:

What is leucine’s role in muscle protein synthesis? 

Leucine is a branched chain amino acid and essential amino acid that acts as a ‘trigger’ for muscle protein synthesis (MPS).

What does this mean?

When you consume leucine, it gets absorbed into your bloodstream, and it plays a key role in activating the mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) pathway, which is essential for MPS. This activation is what kicks off the muscle repair and muscle growth process.

Wouldn’t it be better to just take more leucine?

No. There is a threshold of leucine needed to activate this pathway effectively (2-3 grams). Once that threshold is reached, taking more leucine doesn’t produce a significantly greater effect on MPS.

This is where a lot of people get confused because they think – well, why not just take more leucine? Because taking more leucine isn’t going to activate any additional muscle protein synthesis – which is why we look for things that are more powerful than leucine for activating MPS.

In Summary:

  • Leucine activates muscle protein synthesis (MPS) by triggering the mTOR pathway, but there is a threshold (around 2-3 grams at once) after which additional leucine does not provide more benefit for increasing MPS.
  • Total leucine intake over the day matters, but more leucine in one meal does not mean better muscle growth. In simple terms, you can’t rely on eating a lot of protein or taking a scoop of leucine per day to increase MPS.
  • So, the difference between activating MPS and just taking more leucine is that after a certain point, your body isn’t going to trigger more muscle growth from leucine alone.

Therefore, if something increases muscle protein synthesis (MPS) more effectively than leucine, simply taking more leucine won’t produce the same effect. Here’s why:

  • Leucine Activation of mTOR: As mentioned, leucine activates muscle protein synthesis by stimulating the mTOR pathway. However, there’s a threshold beyond which additional leucine doesn’t provide a significantly greater boost to mTOR activation or MPS. The body has a limit to how much Leucine it can use in one go for this purpose.
  • Other Factors at Play: If a different compound or nutrient is more effective at stimulating MPS, it may work through a different mechanism or pathway that complements or augments what leucine does. For example, certain peptides, hormones, or other amino acids might activate the mTOR pathway more robustly or could promote MPS through different signaling mechanisms that leucine alone doesn’t trigger as effectively.
  • Leucine Saturation: Once leucine reaches a certain threshold and mTOR is maximally activated, additional leucine doesn’t have a greater effect. But another compound that stimulates MPS more effectively might continue to boost the rate of muscle growth or enhance recovery, even if you’re already getting the maximal effect from leucine.
  • Synergy with Other Nutrients: Many other compounds or amino acids might work in synergy with leucine, improving MPS through complementary mechanisms. For example, there are some ingredients/nutrients that can also enhance MPS in ways that leucine alone can’t replicate.

In short, while leucine is a powerful activator of muscle protein synthesis, there are other compounds that might enhance MPS more efficiently or in different ways. You can’t just take more leucine to replicate those effects because they operate through different mechanisms, and your body’s response isn’t just about the amount of leucine—it’s about how well the body responds to various signals for muscle growth.

Remember – Muscle Protein Synthesis is a PROCESS!

This is where DL-185™ shines – it has been shown in studies to increase muscle protein synthesis by 159% and an incredible 60% more than leucine AND increase strength and performance!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How do I take MPC-185?

Take 3 capsules per day.

On training days, take 3 capsules 30-60 minutes prior to working out or immediately after training.

On non-training days, take 3 capsules in the morning.

Do I need to consume adequate protein if I take MPC-185? 

It is important to consume adequate protein intake in order to get the best possible results from your training regimen.

The role of MPC-185 is to increase muscle protein synthesis – which is the process by which your muscles repair themselves & grow!

Remember that there is a big difference between total protein intake and triggering muscle protein synthesis!

What should I take with MPC-185? 

MPC-185 is versatile and can be stacked with  any other Competitive Edge Labs products to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

  • Building Muscle & Strength: MPC-185 can be stacked with Anabolic Effect, M-Test, Epi-Plex, Cloma-Plex, Super Swole, or other CEL products to help you build muscle, increase strength, enhance recovery, & improve athletic performance.
  • Natural Hormone Optimization: MPC-185 can be stacked with M-Test, Cloma-Plex, Anabolic Effect, or PCT Assist in order to help you increase natural testosterone levels, improve libido, and optimize natural hormone levels.
  • Healthy Aging & Longevity: MPC-185 can be stacked with M-Test, Cloma-Plex, Joint Edge, or other CEL products to help support your healthy aging & longevity goals.